Missions has always been a part of the life of Dwight Edwards. From his early years when he and his brother, Quentin Edwards, went to India for a total of 6 months of meetings in the open air and in stadiums. God worked many great miracles in that highly populated country and many churches were established through the effects of those outpourings. Since then, there are been numerous calls for a return to India from hungry hearts. The Philippines, was another stopping place where the two brothers spent a total of 4 months establishing churches and strengthening others in the body of Christ.
Over the years, Dwight Edwards has always had a great passion for missions even while Pastoring many churches. However, recently he has felt a tugging in his heart and a renewed call back to his first passion in Missions---and feels especially called to Russia, Ukraine and other former USSR countries. It all started in July of 1999 when he was in the hospital room of his firstborn daughter, MaShelle Klingengerg, who was fighting for her life. While they were alone, he asked her to pray with him reference his numerous invitations to go to the Ukraine and minister. Her response was, "Dad, you've got to go! Missions has always been a part of your life." One month later, MaShelle was gone and the next week Dwight was arranging the set up of meetings in Kiev. Since that time, het has been to Ukraine three times, Russia six times ministering in churches and at conferences of leaders and teaching in the Bible School and of course ministry accompanied with many miracles and displays of God's power and anointing upon his life. God has once again opened doors in Eastern Europe. Now he is planning a trip to Slovakia and Russia. Would you be willing to sow seed into this ripe harvest field by helping him get back to Eastern Europe? If you would like to make a donation you can give online.
Make sure to notate reason for gift as
"Dwight Edwards Missions". If you prefer to mail your donation please send it to
Champions Church,
1801 Havendale Blvd.,
Winter Haven, FL 33881.