Bob & Michelle Illes
Youth Development & Evangelism Directors
Bob and Michelle have a huge heart for this next generation (young adults, youth and children). They have served as Children’s Pastors, Youth Pastors and Mentors for many years and they carry a true heartbeat for the upcoming generations, connecting the heart of the Father to children and Youth. They have a wealth of experience and maturity in their gifts. One of their passions is outreach and church outside the walls of the church. Bob and Michelle founded Xtreme Team Ministries over 20 years ago which is a ministry that excels in training up youth to minister and utilize the gifts God has given them to be effective world changers for Christ. They love teaching and training and have a gift of seeing destiny in people and helping people begin to step out in it. One of their greatest passions is getting to play a part in the development of a child or youth finding their place in the Kingdom of God and utilizing their gifts.
Both Bob and Michelle love the arts. Bob is a writer, communicator, actor and takes the word literally that says, “Laughter is a good medicine” as he loves a good prank and joke. Michelle is very talented and specializes in characters, puppets, dance, clowning and has had her hand in Les Miserables on Broadway. She has been in a couple of Bollywood movies that are in theatres now, along with lead roles in several short films.
Bob and Michelle have been married 30 years and love spending time with their son Tyler and his wife Sabrina. Michelle loves to travel and find new adventures and brings an unparalleled spunk and heart to everything she does. She loves to cook, host friends and is always up for a spontaneous trip to the beach or amusement park.
This is a very creative team that we believe has been sent to partner with us to reach the youth of our city and to be a part of the arts movement that we know that Champions is to help initiate in the Kingdom. Bob and Michelle bring a broad scope of vision as it pertains to youth ministry and we have created a title for them that more appropriately carries their calling and the vision that we see together, so they will have the title of Youth Development and Evangelism Directors.